Are You Willing?

“Are you willing?” You asked And I, all unafraid, said yes, of course! I was praying for revival, a shaking up of the Church, a desire for deeper intimacy with You. Then I heard You ask me the question again—quietly and solemnly—”Are you willing?” And this time, something told me to beware, to think this…

I’m A Terrible Parent – And Other Fears

Parenting is hard work. As my daughter grows older, I am challenged each time I teach or correct her. Every time I think I have gained ground in one issue, I realise that I have moved two steps back in another area. Over the last week, I’ve been fighting small fires – and sensing my…

A True Treasure

The little worries which we meet each day May lie as stumbling-blocks across our way, Or we may make them stepping-stones to be Of grace, O Lord, to Thee. -A. E. Hamilton Sometimes, as I pass through days of calm serenity, a sudden jolt—a thought—can set me back apace. One thought leads to another, and…

Finding Peace

I’m not sure if it’s the pregnancy hormones or the fact that I’m now in my third trimester but recently, I’ve been feeling overwhelmed and worried by all that the future holds. I think of all that is going to change in the new year and I’ve just been burdened by a sense of my…

A Different Perspective

It had been a particularly trying conversation. Nothing I said seemed to help. Rather gave offence when no offence was meant. Frustrated, I googled (yes, I do things like that!) – “How to deal with passive aggression”. Most articles helpfully suggested that I avoid the perpetrator or deal with it by being direct. All very…

Regarding The Past…

What is it about the Past that refuses to loosen its clutches on the Present? They say time heals and helps you forget. I wonder – does it really? I’ve seen over and over again, how something small and insignificant can trigger a memory, unleashing an avalanche of feelings and images which you’d thought to…

On Letting Go…

The perversity of inanimate objects is nothing compared to the perversity of human beings! Some have the knack of making themselves perfectly objectionable for no earthly reason. I was brought up short recently by one such individual and my gut reaction was completely unworthy of the Lord. I wanted to give him a piece of…

On Waiting…

Isaiah 25:9 “Behold this is our God; We have waited for Him and He will save us. This is the Lord; We have waited for Him; we will be glad and rejoice in His salvation.”Waiting is a part of every Christian’s life. The knowledge that at the end of the wait there is redemption, and…