On Epiphanies…

Fear and Worry – that two-headed monster that rears its ghastly head periodically – was at it again. It’s sibling, Doubt, flit in as well, to add to the party! And as frustrating as it was for me to wage this never-ending battle to subdue them, I wondered how frustrating it must be for God…

On Being A Fool…

There was a moment of blinding revelation as the rose-tinted glasses were wrenched from my eyes and I saw myself for who I was. And with my next breath I started fervently hoping that God suffers fools gladly. Make that singular with a capital F and you have yours truly! I find that I am…

On Getting Into The Wheelbarrow…

I heard the conclusion of the wheelbarrow story the other day. When the tightrope walker asked for a volunteer to get into the wheelbarrow and be pushed across, several hundred feet off the ground, he was met with complete silence. Finally a little five year-old boy ran forward, got into the wheelbarrow and was pushed…

In A Letter To Andrew…

Hi Andrew, I’ve been learning the lesson of faith these past couple of days. I’ll just put down all that I’ve learnt and what has hit me anew… Faith is different from belief. Faith is an action. Jesus says in Matthew that when we have faith as small as a mustard seed, it can move…