Whispers of Desperation

Lord, forgive my feebleness; my panic-riddled heart that urges me to run away. I know my faults and weaknesses. And fear that they will be revealed. I feel like a hypocrite and dread the future. I know all the masks I wear. All that I pretend to be. Why, O Lord, are you pushing me…

On Doubt…

When the Promised Land is in sight and things seem to be progressing towards a natural conclusion, that’s when you’re pulled up in your tracks and life hands you a set of incomprehensibly, painful situations. As confusion and doubt war in my mind, I find that nothing is secure. All I believed was solid and…

On Meeting The Lions Head-On…

So many times I’ve questioned certain circumstances And things I could not understand Many times in trials, weakness blurs my vision Then my frustration gets so out of hand Its then I am reminded I’ve never been forsaken I’ve never had to stand one test alone That’s when I look at all the victories And…

On Cloak And Dagger Missions…

So what does a spy do? To my (frankly Alistair-Maclean-James-Bond-ish) knowledge, a spy is a person who gathers facts and useful information regarding an enemy and reports it to his superiors. So going by that, the spies Moses sent, did a pretty good job. They were asked to gather specifics – which they did. In…