A Timely Reminder

I experienced a strange sensation today. My daughter, who is currently nursing a terrible cold, was snuggling next to me as I lay on my bed. As I put my arms around her little body and hugged her close, my arms suddenly felt a sense of déjà vu. It was so unusual it stopped me…

An Arranged Love Marriage

**This post first appeared on Indiaanya**Have you ever been asked this question, “Did you have a love marriage or an arranged marriage?” When I was asked this the first time, it stumped me for a bit because I couldn’t classify my marriage under either!When I was twenty-four my parents and I moved to Chennai. This…

In Memoriam…

So here I am, at another Blogathon. This one is turning out to be more of a discipline than I’d bargained for – learning to be still in the midst of chaos and putting pen to paper. As difficult as it seems today, I believe it needs to be done. Thanks FD for understanding, and…

On Family…

Dear B, As sisters go, we’re probably a unique pair. Such opposites, yet we get along so well. (As you probably realised by now, yes, I miss you!) I came across the poem that I wrote for you before I left home. And it brought back so many memories of you. I love so many…

Regarding An Ordinary Day…

It was a lovely day – a mere 24 hours, but a lifetime of memories – stolen out of our everyday routine. A day of laughter, of enjoying each other’s company, of finding joy in that most mundane of things – grocery shopping! Of watching an old movie together and chuckling at Cary Grant’s antics;…