Double Digits, Darling!

Double digits, darling! We’ve made it to ten. And how much we’ve packed into that decade. We’ve both changed; learnt to adjust, to submit, to love. We appreciate each other more after ten years. Like fine wine, we grow better with age! The road has been bumpy; I won’t deny it. Yet, the One who…

Packing Woes

Feet aching; arms drooping I sit, thinking, Debating If its worth continuing. But someone has to do the packing So I better not be thumb-twiddling; Instead, get all the clothing, Ready for travelling. Two bags to begin with Have swelled to four. MD will not be pleased. Oh well! He should be glad there aren’t…

A Paean To Friendship

It’s fun to catch up with old friends. And there’s nothing like meeting up during the Christmas season to spread joy and cheer among the festivities. Today we met up with a couple of MD’s oldest friends and their families. It’s such a joy to see how things have changed – increasing broods and widening…

The Companion

I walked along. Alone. Weary. Worries pummelling me. Events I cannot control, Cannot predict. Tormenting me. Fears weighing, Draining me. Anxieties blisteringly beating down, Exhausting me. ‘Is this how life is to be, Lord?’ I cried in anguish. ‘No,’ He replied. ‘For did I not give you A companion?’ One who is A hiding place,…

Appreciating The Differences

After marriage, one generally discovers new aspects of one’s spouse. Some are positive, others negative, and still others darn right peculiar! The trick is to learn what to alter and what to leave alone. It’s a fine line, believe me! I have known MD for more than 10 years now, and been married to him…

The Allure of Timber and Glass

I have a love affair with bookcases. MD would say I’m obsessed with them. I don’t know when or how it began, but I do know that I’ve always been fascinated by them. They seem so mysterious and enigmatic – with their gleaming glass panes and wooden shelves. They call to me – probably because…

On Learning Lessons…Again…

Have you ever been in a situation where you say something along the lines of – “I know what you’re talking about. I’ve been there and this (dash dash) is what I have learnt” – and invariably, almost inevitably the following day, you face an issue where what you thought you had learnt has gone…

An Arranged Love Marriage

**This post first appeared on Indiaanya**Have you ever been asked this question, “Did you have a love marriage or an arranged marriage?” When I was asked this the first time, it stumped me for a bit because I couldn’t classify my marriage under either!When I was twenty-four my parents and I moved to Chennai. This…

High Five, Dear Heart!

We’ve made it to five, love! Can you believe it? Through squabbles And making up; Laughter and tears; Crazy splurging on Amazon (!) And finally learning How much food to cook For a guy (!!); It’s been an Awesome five, darling! Though this year I haven’t got you a gift; A tiny, sometimes squalling, Wee…

For The Four Years Behind Us…

We have a bunch of stories – four years worth – some old, some new, some not even that good! But they all bear testament to a life of wedded bliss! There’s the time we took a stroll on the beach; and while I gazed romantically at the moon, you eyed a roasted corn cob…

Once Upon A Time…In Coonoor…

Three years ago, today, around eleven-thirty, you pledged your love to me, before God and family. Three years ago, today, around half-past three, you and I, waved everyone goodbye, then played a game of TT! * Three years ago, today, around seven in the evening, we had some soup and some chicken wings, and watched…

On Peace That Passes Understanding…

“Calm me, O Lord, as You stilled the storm, Still me, O Lord, keep me from harm, Let all the tumult within me cease, Enfold me, Lord, in You peace.” –          Celtic Traditional So being confined to the bed with a broken ankle can be very illuminating in many aspects. In terms of experiencing enforced…

On Trying To Make Sense…

So, over the past few months, my life can ideally be termed as “a series of unfortunate events”. My life’s been turned upside down in ways I never even dreamed possible. The only definite understanding I can take away from all this is that life will never be the same again. With regard to one…

On Seeing No End In Sight…

I feel a sense of déjà vu. I know the way forward – to a certain extent – and I want to move ahead, at my pace. Unfortunately not everyone around me is so obliging. So I find that I have to wait; be still and allow things to sort themselves out, rather than make…

On Being A Scrooge…

So what drives me – the seen or the unseen? Is it the money MD/I earn and the things I can buy with it (like all the books on my wishlist! *sigh*)? Or is it the desire for these “essentials” that motivates me to do what I do? Chesterton argues that it is the unseen;*…

On Our Anniversary…

As we celebrate two years of togetherness, you’ve shown me that Love is very different from the books one reads or the movies one watches… Love is… …drawing a picture of Mickey Mouse and addressing it to your “darling wife”. …finding me beautiful at six in the morning! …waking me up with kisses …yelling ‘Darling’…

On Swallowing A Bitter Pill…

Recently I was plagued by that most demoralizing of emotions – Envy. I have my faults; I can list them out, cause they rear their unsightly selves from time to time. However, Envy was never part of the ranks; not, until, a few days back, that is! Which is why it took me a while…

On Being An Inkhorn…

MD and I were chatting the other day and I asked him for feedback on my writing. Apart from all the nice things he said (which I shan’t embarrass my readers with!), we discussed the reason I call myself inkhorn. The explanation, according to him, deserved a post in itself.  An inkhorn is an archaic…

The Fight…

I sit and contemplate – we arguedYou and I –In silence, arguing still.I am hurting and soAre you;But where did it all begin?With some non-issue! I silently stare ahead,Studiously avoiding your eyes.Thoughts flit into my mind –I wonder if we could go backTo not loving –‘Cause love and hopeSuccour pain,And sometimes tis better not to…

Regarding An Ordinary Day…

It was a lovely day – a mere 24 hours, but a lifetime of memories – stolen out of our everyday routine. A day of laughter, of enjoying each other’s company, of finding joy in that most mundane of things – grocery shopping! Of watching an old movie together and chuckling at Cary Grant’s antics;…