The Ol’ Ball And Chain

I’ve been married more than a decade now and I have a confession to make. I am a nagging wife. This is not something I am proud of but sometimes it’s a compulsion, an urge that I cannot ignore. It’s almost like I’m addicted to it. Yet, when I got married, I had such good…

Appreciating The Differences

After marriage, one generally discovers new aspects of one’s spouse. Some are positive, others negative, and still others darn right peculiar! The trick is to learn what to alter and what to leave alone. It’s a fine line, believe me! I have known MD for more than 10 years now, and been married to him…

An Arranged Love Marriage

**This post first appeared on Indiaanya**Have you ever been asked this question, “Did you have a love marriage or an arranged marriage?” When I was asked this the first time, it stumped me for a bit because I couldn’t classify my marriage under either!When I was twenty-four my parents and I moved to Chennai. This…