Heart Cries

Oh Lord, forgive me. Forgive me for not wanting to obey You. For wanting my own way. For allowing fear and anger to rule me. For the unkind thoughts and words. For the lack of love. For all that does not glorify You, I’m sorry! Please change me Father because I cannot. This hard, bitter…

The Lord’s Remembrancer

I found a lovely little phrase tucked away in something Amy Carmichael wrote, that threw new light on what it means to be an intercessor. She describes how someone far away from home, a missionary perhaps, is filled with a sense of homesickness sometimes, since despair and loneliness are very much a part of working…

My Greatest Desire

Lord, let me be hid in You. Close to Your heart, may I remain. Futilely, I have chased after peace; and admit, finally, that it is found only in You. I do not want a great calling. Teach me to accept both renown and obscurity, with equanimity. May my deepest joy and satisfaction be that…

Where Are You Lord?

How can I pray while my heart cries, “You killed my son”? What can I say? How look for comfort from the One Who willed it done? Omnipotent, He could have stopped it if He would; my son… my son… numb with grief, my soul is one vast “why?” his life was all too brief;…

A Plea…

Aches and pains, Fears and cares; Some real, Some hidden, Most, not even there. Burdened by this life; I need some respite. I remember him; With a little envy perhaps. He’s cut loose, He’s free! Why him And not me? Understanding, I don’t claim; Nor any clarity. Where to, from here, Lord? I’m tired, help…

On Hurting…

How should I react to hurting statements? Should I just accept them as another person’s perspective and let it go? What gives me the right to decide that my understanding of a particular circumstance is the right one and the other is flawed? Does that, in actual fact, mean that the other person has the…