He Leads

A dark plain. A cold night. Flat lands stretching out as far as the eye can see. But in the distance, dawn breaks. The skies slowly begin to glow. And against that dimly lit canopy, I see the silhouette of a Man. Holding a staff, He walks steadily on. His back is to me, yet…

Ready And Waiting

So we may boldly say: “The Lord is my helper; I will not fear. What can man do to me?” Hebrews 13:6 This is one of those verses in the Bible that sound so familiar that they are overlooked or fall by the wayside due to overuse. Even as I read it the other day,…

The Balm

Pain is a terrible tormentor. Sometimes when I’m in acute physical pain because of this illness, I’m filled with all kinds of unhappy thoughts – there is anger, mixed with fear and self-pity, and the outpouring of that unholy mess are faithless, bitter, sinful words. As I was tossing and turning and trying to find…

On The Night Before Christmas

It’s Christmas Eve. All is quiet. Everyone’s asleep; except the baby kicking inside me. I think of all the Christmases that have gone before. And the ones waiting ahead with bated breath. So much to be thankful for, and so much to look forward to. But most of all, remembering that I have a Reason…

Reawakening Hope

Opposing views Angry words Devastating arguments Raised voices   Disagreement Dissension Disdain Dislike   Heartache Pain Hurt Despair   Relationships wrecked.   It’s a mountain, Lord, My heart cries.   My spirit is weary My soul wilts   I need some hope. I need some respite. So, restore; Revive.   Slowly Quietly A Voice speaks…

Where Are You Lord?

How can I pray while my heart cries, “You killed my son”? What can I say? How look for comfort from the One Who willed it done? Omnipotent, He could have stopped it if He would; my son… my son… numb with grief, my soul is one vast “why?” his life was all too brief;…