Fighting Fear

When fear paralyses, unhinging sanity, I find myself adrift, lost and alone. I plead for clarity; some assurance of safety. But instead You ask me to lean on Your certainty. To trust Your sovereignty. To believe Your ability. It is not easy, what You’re asking of me. But Lord, I want to believe; so help…

On Taking Heart…

What a year 2015 is turning out to be! The CP is turning one, MD is facing slander and office politics on a personal level and on the home front – yikes! What a gargantuan mess! I’m not even asking “why” any more. Just – Lord, what good is this going to bring? I mean,…

On Wilderness Wisdom #1…

So I’ve been reading Exodus through to Deuteronomy over the past few months, and have stumbled across various perceptive nuggets of insight from the wilderness wanderings of the (in)famous motley family troupe. These gems were learned the hard way most of the time, if at all! More like “Truth Bombs” as MD would say! It’s…