Are You Willing?

“Are you willing?” You asked And I, all unafraid, said yes, of course! I was praying for revival, a shaking up of the Church, a desire for deeper intimacy with You. Then I heard You ask me the question again—quietly and solemnly—”Are you willing?” And this time, something told me to beware, to think this…


The day is past. The night has come. And in the darkness cloaked silence those thoughts come crawling out, circling, gnawing, and preying on me. The ones that were too ghastly to utter in the light of day. The ones that menacingly threatened to meet me in the dark of night as they flitted past….

On Being Pruned…

Pruning is never fun. I’m not discussing gardening activities but rather the spiritual season. The funny thing is, I didn’t even recognise it for what it was. I just assumed I was being bombarded by trials and knew I was barely staying afloat, let alone swimming against the current (I’ve got all my metaphors mixed…

Let’s Get Off Our High Horses Shall We

C. S. Lewis once said to his goddaughter – “…some day you will be old enough to start reading fairy tales again.” Surprisingly, I found that to be true in my own life when I re-read The Chronicles of Narnia in my early-twenties. I actually appreciated them more whilst reading them as an adult than…

The Root of Bitterness

All that morning I walked around in a haze of anger. Regardless of the cause, I felt justified in my ire. I hugged it to myself, thinking over the words, imputing negative motives and intentions, stoking the resentment. As the antagonism built up within me, I found myself in such a tangle of fury and…

The Maternal Instinct

They tore through me suddenly – Rage and fury – refusing to answer mildly To the instigation. Primitive instincts perhaps But nothing to be ashamed of, regardless. It’s a mother’s instinct To protect, shield, keep from harm -even verbal, especially verbal… Even if the abuser is a child That does not excuse the abuse Especially…

Temper Tantrums and Other Foibles

“Do not be quickly provoked in your spirit for anger resides in the lap of fools.” Ecclesiastes 7:9 Anger is such a strange emotion. Apart from all that it destroys in its path, it reveals something about oneself that is well-hidden. I’m realising that the actual triggers expose the deeper problems of the heart, the…

When Loved Ones Are Walking Through The Valley…

A friend of mine recently experienced a heart-breaking tragedy. As numb with shock as I was, I can barely begin to imagine her pain. In that instant I wished I could wrap my arms tight around her and weep. Yet, unable to be at her side, I just wept, my heart breaking for all that…

On Letting Go…

So I stand at the threshold of another crossroad. And I find myself struggling with this new avenue. I want to jump up and fight for my rights. I’m fearful of the future. Worst case scenarios crowd my mind and I feel life slipping out of my control. Fear and anger take over and I…

On Being A Scrooge…

So what drives me – the seen or the unseen? Is it the money MD/I earn and the things I can buy with it (like all the books on my wishlist! *sigh*)? Or is it the desire for these “essentials” that motivates me to do what I do? Chesterton argues that it is the unseen;*…

On Letting Go…

The perversity of inanimate objects is nothing compared to the perversity of human beings! Some have the knack of making themselves perfectly objectionable for no earthly reason. I was brought up short recently by one such individual and my gut reaction was completely unworthy of the Lord. I wanted to give him a piece of…