On Fitting…

Father, I realise now that every experience I go through is Your plan and perfect will for me. You are working on me. Knocking a chip off, here; smoothing a rough edge there. I am your unique design, being moulded for a specific purpose. Well, two actually! One, here on earth – to fulfil what…

Once Upon A Time…In Coonoor…

Three years ago, today, around eleven-thirty, you pledged your love to me, before God and family. Three years ago, today, around half-past three, you and I, waved everyone goodbye, then played a game of TT! * Three years ago, today, around seven in the evening, we had some soup and some chicken wings, and watched…

A Prayer…

Father, I realise that I am so inadequate. So unworthy of all that You have promised. And I know it is not about me. It is Your grace. You who are to be glorified. All I can say is Thank You, Lord… Please, may I desire You and You alone. “I am thy shield, and…

A Conversation…

Taken from Amy Carmichael’s His Thoughts Said…His Father Said… – “His thoughts said, “The way is rough.”             His Father said, “But every step bringeth thee nearer to thy Home.” His thoughts said, “The fight is fierce.”             His Father said, “He who is near to his Captain is sure to be a target for…

On Life…

Like a shadow declining Swiftly away…away… Like the dew of the morning Gone with the heat of the day; Like the wind in the treetops, Like a wave of the sea, So are our lives on earth when seen In the light of eternity. –          Ruth Bell Graham Over the last few months, one thing…

On Comparing…

“Then a dispute arose among them as to which of them would be greatest. And Jesus, perceive(d) the thought of their heart.” * A part of me always despised the disciples for arguing about who was the greatest. What a childish, ridiculous debate. Men! Trust them to be fighting about some non-issue. Such big egos. Which…

On Strangenesses…

The cast is off! Yay! Now just some painful physiotherapy to get through and I should be good. It seems so strange to feel the floor beneath my foot. To even see my foot after it being in plaster for so long! To learn to turn my ankle. To learn to balance on both feet…

A Plea…

Aches and pains, Fears and cares; Some real, Some hidden, Most, not even there. Burdened by this life; I need some respite. I remember him; With a little envy perhaps. He’s cut loose, He’s free! Why him And not me? Understanding, I don’t claim; Nor any clarity. Where to, from here, Lord? I’m tired, help…

On Blessings…

I heard a song a while back. The words are given below. And it got me thinking. We pray for blessingsWe pray for peaceComfort for family, protection while we sleepWe pray for healing, for prosperityWe pray for Your mighty hand to ease our sufferingAll the while, You hear each spoken needYet love us way too…

On Hurting…

How should I react to hurting statements? Should I just accept them as another person’s perspective and let it go? What gives me the right to decide that my understanding of a particular circumstance is the right one and the other is flawed? Does that, in actual fact, mean that the other person has the…

On Peace That Passes Understanding…

“Calm me, O Lord, as You stilled the storm, Still me, O Lord, keep me from harm, Let all the tumult within me cease, Enfold me, Lord, in You peace.” –          Celtic Traditional So being confined to the bed with a broken ankle can be very illuminating in many aspects. In terms of experiencing enforced…

On Walking…

It’s a very interesting experience – peering ahead into the darkness, not knowing how the road ahead is going to be – bumpy or smooth, filled with pot-holes, having adequate road signs and rest stops? (Yes, my questions are endless, but I’m thankful He hasn’t given up on me!) Mary Gardiner Brainard said, “I would…

On Finding Peace…

“I heard you in the secret place of the storm. In the secret place among the unspoken things, there am I.”* So I’d reached the point of no return. In the silence, stripped of all platitudes, finally it was just Him and I. No pretence. No highfalutin nonsense. Just the plain truth. He listened patiently…

On Hitting Rock Bottom…

One of the things that changed over the past few months was the way I saw God. Up till this moment, my faith in Him had been unshaken. Even in times of testing, I’d always had the underlying belief that God would be good to me. “Good” obviously, as I saw “goodness” – with things…

On Not Being Alone…

Through the lows, I’ve gone from one random thought to the next. Emotions and feelings swinging wildly like a pendulum, but always in silence. There is no love. No desire to serve. No hope. Only a foolish longing for things to go back to the way they were. Followed, unfailingly, by the guilt, for allowing…

On Trying To Make Sense…

So, over the past few months, my life can ideally be termed as “a series of unfortunate events”. My life’s been turned upside down in ways I never even dreamed possible. The only definite understanding I can take away from all this is that life will never be the same again. With regard to one…

On Living By Faith…

Lately, I’ve witnessed several circumstances that didn’t really make sense. It was the age-old question – “Where is God when good people suffer?” Brought home all the more clearly when someone close to you is being put through the wringer! So where was He in all the confusion, chaos and pain? Why didn’t He step…

Regarding The Reading List…

Every once in a while, I find that I need to apologise for being a procrastinator! And this is one of those embarrassing moments! Given the fact that I had such a wonderful list of books to read, it’s quite surprising that I’ve managed to get embroiled in this mess again! But for what it’s…

On Letting Go…

So I stand at the threshold of another crossroad. And I find myself struggling with this new avenue. I want to jump up and fight for my rights. I’m fearful of the future. Worst case scenarios crowd my mind and I feel life slipping out of my control. Fear and anger take over and I…

On Father’s Day…Belatedly…

So, between work and fighting off an annoyingly persistent bout of cold, I’ve fallen deplorably behind in my reading. But, on the bright side, I’ve finally gotten around to writing this post for Father’s Day. (I have good intentions! Unfortunately, they don’t get implemented immediately!) So taking a break from the Reading List, here’s to…