An Arranged Love Marriage

**This post first appeared on Indiaanya**Have you ever been asked this question, “Did you have a love marriage or an arranged marriage?” When I was asked this the first time, it stumped me for a bit because I couldn’t classify my marriage under either!When I was twenty-four my parents and I moved to Chennai. This…

Getting Back Into the Groove…

Its been a fairly longish break since my last post and though I’ve been doing some writing…it hasn’t been put up here. But, having the urge to do more writing that before, I’m back, so to speak. And this platform shall be my sounding board. Here’s to more musings…and more thinking…and more writing…

On Taking Heart…

What a year 2015 is turning out to be! The CP is turning one, MD is facing slander and office politics on a personal level and on the home front – yikes! What a gargantuan mess! I’m not even asking “why” any more. Just – Lord, what good is this going to bring? I mean,…

High Five, Dear Heart!

We’ve made it to five, love! Can you believe it? Through squabbles And making up; Laughter and tears; Crazy splurging on Amazon (!) And finally learning How much food to cook For a guy (!!); It’s been an Awesome five, darling! Though this year I haven’t got you a gift; A tiny, sometimes squalling, Wee…

Where Are You Lord?

How can I pray while my heart cries, “You killed my son”? What can I say? How look for comfort from the One Who willed it done? Omnipotent, He could have stopped it if He would; my son… my son… numb with grief, my soul is one vast “why?” his life was all too brief;…

When Loved Ones Are Walking Through The Valley…

A friend of mine recently experienced a heart-breaking tragedy. As numb with shock as I was, I can barely begin to imagine her pain. In that instant I wished I could wrap my arms tight around her and weep. Yet, unable to be at her side, I just wept, my heart breaking for all that…

Regarding Those Awkward Moments…

Why am so I obsessed with this urge to jealously guard my boundaries? What crazy bee in my bonnet has so twisted my thought process that I can’t even see through my tangled skein of motives and desires leave alone unravel it! Have you ever had that awkward moment when you step forth self-righteously to…

On Holding My Father’s Hand…

Last week I had an interesting conversation with God. First, He showed me an image of a father holding a child’s hand, and from that picture, He taught me several truths. I asked God what the picture meant, so He told me to put myself in the child’s shoes and then think about what I…

For The Four Years Behind Us…

We have a bunch of stories – four years worth – some old, some new, some not even that good! But they all bear testament to a life of wedded bliss! There’s the time we took a stroll on the beach; and while I gazed romantically at the moon, you eyed a roasted corn cob…

On Wilderness Wisdom #2 …

For a brief explanation of what this is about, look here. Implicit Obedience Doesn’t Involve Reconnoitring! The first three chapters of Deuteronomy are an excellent example of oral tradition. Just before the next generation was to enter the Promised Land, Moses sat down and recited their history over the past forty odd years. The purpose…

On Loving…Truly, Madly, Deeply…

Another soul-searing truth I’ve learnt about myself is that I’ve never reallyloved my Father! I mean, yes, I do love Him (or thought I did), because He died for me and saved me and all that, but, truly, deep down, if I was being brutally honest, I’m not sure how real my love for Him…

In Memoriam…

So here I am, at another Blogathon. This one is turning out to be more of a discipline than I’d bargained for – learning to be still in the midst of chaos and putting pen to paper. As difficult as it seems today, I believe it needs to be done. Thanks FD for understanding, and…

On Believing…

When all is said and done, it boils down to Belief. It’s at the very core of our faith. Belief in what, you ask? It’s more than in the existence of God. Rather, His character, His attributes and their dependability in any given situation. Trusting that He is still in control; trusting that He knows…

On Blissful Realisations…

Faced by rock, impregnable, cold, I claw and clamour, wondering – ‘Where do I even begin looking for hope?’ At the door, are despair and anguish; So I clutch at straws – ‘He has promised after all, can it get worse?’ Finally, in desperation, I clench the Word, staring blankly, eyes clouded, by misery. Until!…

On Wilderness Wisdom #1…

So I’ve been reading Exodus through to Deuteronomy over the past few months, and have stumbled across various perceptive nuggets of insight from the wilderness wanderings of the (in)famous motley family troupe. These gems were learned the hard way most of the time, if at all! More like “Truth Bombs” as MD would say! It’s…

On Learning To Wait…

It seems like I’ve come back full circle to a crucial lesson in my walk with God; a lesson that I thought I’d learned. Surprisingly, I’m finding myriad facets to the single issue; like a kaleidoscope, every time I come back to it, I see a new pattern! Which brings us to my pet peeve…

On Ivory Tower Reflections…

It’s amazing how wilfully blind I have been! For a while now I’ve been praying and asking God for a deeper knowledge and understanding of Him. I had a brief glimpse one day – a glorious moment in the midst of all the chaos – a moment in time when I was given a foretaste…

Regarding A Gift…

The Psalmist said something very profound – “You have put gladness in my heart, more than in the season that their grain and wine increased.”* Perspective from the other side. There is joy (of course) when things are good; when folks are fine and life is cruising, all sunshine and roses. But to have joy,…

On Railing…

Frankly, I am not enjoying this process! Fear has not been conquered and worry has not been vanquished. My immediate reaction was to unworthily fling back my Father’s love in His face and weep uncontrollably. I find that this lack of control over my life has left me demoralized. I am an easy prey to…