The Plea

Where are you Lord?
Silence greets my troubled query.
Lord, are you there?
Speak to me.
I need to hear your voice.
I need to know what you want me to do.
I can’t walk this road alone.
It’s draining me.
Please Lord, I want to understand.
I know that fears and lies are clouding my judgement.
But when I can’t hear you – what am I to think?
It becomes so easy to believe that you don’t love me anymore.
But that’s a lie!
You do love me.
I know that.
I believe that.
Lord please help my unbelief.
Lord please increase my faith.
Lord please don’t take your Holy Spirit from me
Restore to me the joy of fellowship and communion with you.
I need you Lord, desperately.
So speak please, I’m listening.

– R. D. P


Photo by Diana Simumpande on Unsplash

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