The Companion

I walked along.



Worries pummelling me.

Events I cannot control,

Cannot predict.

Tormenting me.

Fears weighing,

Draining me.

Anxieties blisteringly beating down,

Exhausting me.

‘Is this how life is to be, Lord?’

I cried in anguish.

‘No,’ He replied. ‘For did I not give you

A companion?’

One who is

A hiding place,

When worry batters you.

A shelter,

When the future torments you.

A stream of fresh water,

When fear leaves you parched.

A refreshing shade,

When anxiety scorches you.*

I looked in amazement

To find you beside me.

And knew I had not been

Walking alone.

What a joy to find


Two are better than one**

After all.

– R.D.P

*Isaiah 32:2

**Ecclesiastes 4:9

Photo by TNK PHOTO on Unsplash

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