On Being Curiously Peculiar

Given my love for bookcases and old books, it naturally follows that I am ever so slightly obsessed with second hand bookshops. These unassuming, dingy spaces are veritable treasure troves. During my innumerable jaunts to such happening spots, I’ve stumbled across all kinds of books. If anything odd and unusual catches my attention, I invariably pick it up to add to my collection. I’d like to introduce you to some of these old friends of mine. They may not be bestsellers but they make up for their inconspicuousness by their genuine quirkiness!

Today’s gem is the surprisingly titled A Pig with Six Legs and Other Clouds. No, it is not a children’s book although it is a picture book of sorts. The book was released by the Cloud Appreciation Society (I didn’t even know such an institution existed! You learn something new each time you visit a second hand bookshop!) and is dedicated to “Cloudspotters everywhere”.

71UheR0a23LThis little hardbound book is basically filled with pictures of unusually shaped clouds with interesting names. It never fails to lift my spirits and bring a smile to my face. As the flyleaf says – “It is a proud celebration of the carefree, aimless, and endlessly life-affirming pastime of cloud-spotting.”

I hope that this collage of my favourite clouds from the book will inspire you to take a few minutes and gaze skyward – to let your imagination soar and ease the cares of heart and mind.


  1. The Hunchback of Notre Dame declares his love for Esmeralda
  2. A skateboarder doing tricks
  3. Pegasus, the winged horse
  4. A pig with six legs
  5. A bear trained in the cruel sport of duck juggling
  6. A flying saucer
  7. A monkey skiing down a blue run


Photo by César Viteri on Unsplash

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