High Five, Dear Heart!

We’ve made it to five, love!
Can you believe it?
Through squabbles
And making up;
Laughter and tears;
Crazy splurging on Amazon (!)
And finally learning
How much food to cook
For a guy (!!);
It’s been an
Awesome five, darling!
Though this year
I haven’t got you a gift;
A tiny, sometimes squalling,
Wee human keeps me a bit tied up, you see!
Here is a little something,
To keep you going, just the same.
Five little word gifts,
Just for you!
Love bears all things*:
Cause you’ve learnt to bear
Living with me
(Letting me into every box!)
And we’ll bear
Being away from each other too!
It’s not forever,
Love believes all things*:
I’ve seen you become
My protector
And provider,
My strength
And my support;
A man I respect,
Dearly love
And admire – my husband!
I believe you’ll be
The awesomest dad
For our little CP too!
Love hopes all things*:
I hope our love
Will keep growing
As the years roll by,
Strengthened by the One
Who brought us together!

Love endures all things*:
May our love
The passing years,
Time apart,
Children (!),
Widening girths (!!) and
Greying hair!
I want to love you, then,
Even more
Than I do now!
Love never fails*:
And this is the assurance
We have –
He brought us together,
Promising us
A love beyond compare;
So I know,
That what we share,
Will never
Fade away.
High five, sweetheart!
Happy Anniversary!
–          R. D. P
*I Corinthians 13: 7 & 8
Photo by Jamez Picard on Unsplash

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