On Holding My Father’s Hand…

Last week I had an interesting conversation with God. First, He showed me an image of a father holding a child’s hand, and from that picture, He taught me several truths. I asked God what the picture meant, so He told me to put myself in the child’s shoes and then think about what I would feel were I holding my own father’s hand. So I thought about it and the first thing that popped in my mind was that I would have absolute trust in my dad. I mean, I wouldn’t ask him where we were going or why we were going on a particular road, but would be simply happy to let my dad take me out wherever he wanted. (This is me as a child, so bear with me!)
Then there would be contentment and a sense of happiness, because my dad was with me and we were together. Also security, because I wouldn’t be worried about anything; my dad would take care of me. I don’t think this ever needs to be explained or taught to a child; they seem to be born with implicit trust!
Then God said to me, “You’ve been seeing this image from the child’s point of view. What about the father?”
This is when He showed me how much He longs for companionship and the opportunity to just be with me!
Then He took it a step further and explained that He was my Father, so He would take care of every little detail. Just as my earthly father would, He would ensure I was ok, that my rights were not infringed, that I was protected and safe. I didn’t need to worry about self-preservation. That was His department!
And knowing my hand is safely held by Him, gives me the freedom to serve others with love, humility and complete abandon! That is His desire after all.
So, with this picture to sustain me, I’m going to walk down this road, carefree and happy, busy in the tasks He has kept for me, leaving my fears and worries behind. It’s the knowledge of who I am in Him – the daughter of the Most High God! Truly, what can man do to me!

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