On Believing…

When all is said and done, it boils down to Belief. It’s at the very core of our faith. Belief in what, you ask? It’s more than in the existence of God. Rather, His character, His attributes and their dependability in any given situation. Trusting that He is still in control; trusting that He knows and understands and loves. That He is working out His plan for me, however much the situation may seem to the contrary. Especially, when I want to hit something and yell, “Why?”(Not very ladylike I must admit! Banging pots and pans in the kitchen help relieve the frustration a teeny bit though!)

It’s so easy to question God and wonder if, maybe, He made a mistake, or if I misread the signs! Yet that is where belief kicks in. It’s so damnably hard! But it’s a conscious choice to believe that He knows, He cares and that He is in control.
Belief cannot be taken lightly. It is the crux; what will finally be reckoned – did I or didn’t I, believe? Was my unbelief, an insidious part of my life? As galling as it is for me to acknowledge, I see that it has been! I let myself think there was some ghastly mistake. That I deserved better; that Iwas better! What unspeakable folly!
But now that I’m faced with the truth, I cannot ignore it. Humbly, I ask for forgiveness and grace. And He lovingly pours it over me. So I kneel and pray, “Lord, Your will, Your way…always.”

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  1. Anu says:

    “A conscious choice” – isn’t that the truth!It’s not what I ‘feel’, but a deliberate choice I have to make, again and again and again. Choosing trust over doubt, over resentment and over fear. When everything seems out of control – choosing to believe that He’s still in control. Choosing to trust in His plans and in His ways of working out those plans. And trusting that His plans are better than any of mine – that they are, in fact, the best!I haven’t gone through all the older posts yet, but the few that I did really resonated with me. And I love your style! God bless you for using your gift for Him.


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