On Railing…

Frankly, I am not enjoying this process! Fear has not been conquered and worry has not been vanquished. My immediate reaction was to unworthily fling back my Father’s love in His face and weep uncontrollably.
I find that this lack of control over my life has left me demoralized. I am an easy prey to the most stupid thoughts. And perhaps, not knowing in my lifetime, is too hard a price. I want to rail against the unfairness of it all.
But Lord, as I stand, smack in the middle of another storm, the saving grace is that You are withme.
For the moment, that is enough.

2 Comments Add yours

  1. Anonymous says:

    Ruth, I've been reading you blog for a few weeks now. Each post again and again. And so much of what you write resonates with me, so deep. This post especially. thank you!


  2. inkhorn says:

    Hey Esther, thanks so much for those encouraging words!


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