On Wonder And Amazement…(2)

So I asked for joy and He poured out His love on me! Salvation is all about Him!

As my earthly father explained all that my heavenly Father had done, all I could do was gaze on Him in wonder. It did not suffice that He sent Jesus to die for me, but He comes to meet me at my level, reaching out to me, endowing me with righteousness, each day. Now I understand what Jeremiah meant when he said that His mercies are new every morning! *

And all that He asks in return is Trust. And I fail even to do that! When the Devil presents a different view (read lie!), I believe him and abandon confidence in God so quickly. Every day I have a choice – to believe a lie and live in doubt or to believe my Father and live by Faith!

Oh how can I not? The very fact that I can now stand before Him is a gift; a symbol of His love, which He has lavished on me.

I whisper “Thank you”, but it is so inadequate.

Grace, unmerited, enfolds me close and tears, unbeckoned, awash my soul. “I do not deserve Thee,” my lips mouth. “But please do not leave me, for without Thee, I am lost.”

* Lamentations 3: 22, 23

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