An Extract From The Journal…

Dear Diary,

Finished reading Battlefield Of The Mind* tonight. Couple of things stuck though.

1. Patience is not the ability to wait but to have a good attitude while waiting.

2. Pride vs. Humility:

Pride says, “I’m ready now. I don’t need to wait any more. Why is it taking so long?”

Humility says, “God truly knows best and I’ll trust Him to bring it to pass in His time. He is never late.”

Which just goes to show how way off the mark I was! But lessons learnt are always a good thing – however late in the day!

* Battlefield Of The Mind by Joyce Meyer

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  1. Niranjan says:

    “Patience is not the ability to wait but to have a good attitude while waiting.”….true..never thought of it that way before though…guess that everyone who is stuck in a traffic jam(plane/train delay) has no other option but to wait…how many ppl will spend that time swearin n cursin every livin n non-livin thing as compared to thinkin that “what was that song(book) that i wanted to listen(read) to but had no time…”


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