On Facing A Den Full Of Lions…

I prayed for endurance; I received a pride of roaring regal felines! And again, I am ready to turn tail and run in the opposite direction. Yet, He’s holding me firm and pushing me inexorably towards the den, while I feel like digging my heels in and refusing to budge.

“Lord, You are a good God,” I cry. “Then how can You make me face this? How can You give me this as my lot in life? Lord, I know these lions can’t be from You. Why are You making me endure this?”

And suddenly I remembered the story of Daniel and his own particular set of wild cats. So I went and read it again and found several amazing truths.

Firstly, when Daniel realised that he would inevitably be thrown in the den, he didn’t change his habits and practises. He continued to pray three times a day. As far as I know he didn’t sit and weep about his imminent death, neither did he go into depression. Well, that’s something I need to get a grip on.

Secondly, the king told Daniel, “Your God whom you serve continually, He will deliver you.” The king was actually trying to encourage poor Daniel! If I had been in Daniel’s place (well I am at the moment, but if I had literally been in his place!) I would have thought, “Well that’s a bit late now, isn’t it? I’m actually in the den. Anyway, I’m glad I didn’t betray my God, even though I’m going to die in the next few seconds.”

And I realised this is where Daniel and I, part ways. He didn’t think like that. Which brings us to the third point. “So Daniel was taken up out of the den, and no injury whatever was found on him, because he believed in his God.” Daniel believed in God before he was thrown to the lions, and even in the den, and that’s one of the reasons he escaped unscathed.

But what do I believe of God? That these lions that I face are going to be my lot for the rest of my life? That God can make this situation change even now? That God is letting me endure the lions for a higher reason and I will emerge unscathed in the end? I don’t know. I’m back to a confused state!

Going back to Daniel, his “lion experience” caused everyone (and I do mean everyone!) to acknowledge God’s power, greatness and sovereignty. So there was a greater purpose that was fulfilled.

But I am weak and scared stiff. The lions are coming closer and I have to face them. This is His will for me. And He is beside me. So whatever the outcome, atleast I know that I obeyed Him.

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