On Endurance…

“…recall the former days in which…you endured a great struggle with sufferings…therefore do not cast away your confidence…for you have need of endurance…” *

Endurance – a key ingredient in a Christian’s life, and one that I find myself grasping for. Over the past few months, it has become my fervent desire that I might have the endurance to bear everything that comes my way. Endurance – the word paints a scene of quiet strength, implacability and patience. Oh how I long for it from the depths of my soul!

The past few months have also made me privy to certain unprepossessing facts about myself. I have realised that I can give up very easily. When faced with life’s uncertainties, I can lose my confidence and trust. Lack of knowledge of what the future holds, makes me wonder how, and whether, I’m going to make it. I question myself and God – how long must I wait? How much longer is this trial going to last? And recently, I’ve wondered, if I (or my family) were threatened, would I give in? Would I deny my faith if I were staring down the barrel of a firearm? (Ok that is slightly melodramatic, but in this violent age, anything can happen!) Will I endure till the end, to, one day, receive that accolade, “Well done, good and faithful servant”?

And the scary answer is that I don’t know!

But before I can throw up my hands in resignation, I find this – “…consider Him…lest you become weary and discouraged.” **

That’s the solution to finding that slightly elusive quality (for me!) – endurance. And here’s the plan of action – “…let us lay aside every weight…and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus…” ***

So the future is still unsure, as are my reactions to it, but the hope that keeps me going is Jesus Christ.

Guess who’s back in the race!

* Hebrews 10:32, 35, 36
** Hebrews 12:3
*** Hebrews 12:1, 2

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