On Rushing About Like A Headless Chicken…

Personally, I’ve never actually seen a chicken without a head, but having witnessed its counterpart (with its head firmly on), squawking and flapping at the least provocation, I can empathise with it perfectly!

You can mouth platitudes and imagine that you really believe them – until life hits you in the face and then you end up like the aforementioned chicken! Well, I was anyway. And “was” being the operative word, I find myself writing this.

They say you’ll know that you are obeying God and doing His will when you feel peace. So, what happens if I don’t? I mean, do honest questions and doubts reflect a lack of peace and hence, not being in God’s will? What is “peace”? And much more basic, how will I know God’s will? I mean, what if I miss hearing His voice? Like when I’m reading the Bible and I overlook a verse, which would have shown me clearly what I had to do! I know I will obey Him – but what if I don’t even know what to do? (This was all part of my headless chicken routine!)

And then Ruth sent me this book*, which clarified several things.

The most important being that, more than me wanting to obey God and do His will – He wanted that for me! (Ok, so this is a fairly obvious truth, but bear with me!) What a liberating feeling – I no longer have to worry (read headless chicken existence), because God is working behind the scenes to ensure that I obey Him. My, belief, if you will, that I would miss out on hearing His voice, is quite laughable now because I realised that I was trying to put God is a box. I mean – this great Lord of the universe, who created everything and me, wouldn’t He be able to show me His will, again and again (if necessary!), if I kept missing it? Ok, I’m not saying that I would, but it’s such a heartening thought to know that He is truly above all. Nothing can stop His will from coming to pass – least of all, me! Like the author of Acts says, “…if this plan…is of men, it will come to nothing; but if it is of God, you cannot overthrow it…” Talk about a weight being lifted off my shoulders!

So, at the moment, I am filled with a sense of anticipation, a quietness and a deep contentment. Does that constitute peace? I don’t know, because I still have lengthy, question-filled conversations with my Father. Only now, there is no fear. I think that makes the difference. And therein lies the key.

* Guidance And The Voice Of God by Phillip D. Jensen and Tony Payne

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  1. Anonymous says:

    “…if this plan…is of men, it will come to nothing; but if it is of God, you cannot overthrow it…”—– A big AMEN to that friend! The very fact that you have come to this state of realisation and peace is indicative of God’s desire that you get deeper into a relationship with Him than just think about Him and worry about things….


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